With standards and protocols being the key to universal IoT adoption, 2018 was the year where the focus and energy in the IoT space switched to various consortiums and standards bodies and away from corporate IoT effors, some of which faded since 2017. The influencers list this year thus welcomes several consortiums that are transforming the IoT by bringing order out of the chaos. Organizations that hold events, such as developer conferences, are also considered particularly influential.
Twttr Foll. | Links | |
AWS IoTThe AWS IoT umbrella includes AWS IoT Core, AWS Greengrass, Amazon FreeRTOS, AWS IoT Button and more. | 1.71M | |
LoRa AllianceWorks to standardize Low Power Wide Area Networks (LPWAN) being deployed around the world to enable Internet of Things (IoT), machine-to-machine (M2M), and smart city, and industrial applications. | 10.6K | |
Internet of Things ConsortiumA membership-based association that brings companies together to accelerate IoT adoption. | 37.4K | |
ArduinoAn open-source platform that is the starting point for many IoT projects, forming a passionate community. | 285K | |
Industrial Internet ConsortiumThe ICC, which incorporates OpenFog, is the world's leading organization accelerating the IIoT, with Working and Task Groups. | 7K | |
Connected World / Peggy SmedleyConnected World explains technology and translates technical solutions into business benefits. Peggy Smedley is the editorial director of the magazine | 35.6K | |
Embedded ComputingA community for news and views on silicon, software, and strategies for embedded and IoT. | 19.1K | |
Google IoTGoogle's IoT solutions include Android Things (formerly Brillo), Cloud IoT Core, Google Assistant and More. | n/a | |
Open Connectivity Foundation (OCF)Develops and delivers a standard communications platform, a bridging specification, an open source implementation and a certification program. | 1.5K | |
Stacey HigginbothamA journalist covering technology since 2001; Records the IoT Podcast and delivers insightful consumer IoT reviews. | 42K | |
IOTAOffers a blockless distributed ledger called Tangle which is scalable, lightweight and enables the transfer value without any fees. | 116K | |
Hackster.ioBrings together over 800K innovators and hundreds of technology partners in the world's largest hardware developer network. | 37K | |
Eclipse IoTProvides the technology needed to build IoT Devices, Gateways, and Cloud Platforms. | 10.5K | |
The Internet of Things CommunityAn organization of 22,000+ senior business leaders and IoT practitioners, the IoT Community organizes the annual IoT Slam conference. | 46.6K | |
IEEE IoTAdvances IoT with webinars, events, blogs, journals, newsletters and more. | 26.8K | |
Zigbee AllianceZigbee's interoperable wireless standard is used in countless consumer and enterprise IoT products, having a huge impact behind the scenes. | 10.9K | |
MakeAt the center of the maker movement, Make Magazine and Makers Faires are, for many, their first introduction to the world of IoT development. | 230K | |
Rob van KranenburgFounder of the IoT Council and proponent of IoT Day, April 9th. | 15.3K | |
IoT World SeriesInforma's series of IoT themed events including Industrial IoT World, IoT World Europe, Smart Cities Summit, and more. | 12.3K | |
Wi-SUN AllianceSeeks to accelerate the implementation of open standards-based Field Area Networks (FAN) and the Internet of Things. | < 1K |
This page has a corresponding Twitter list on @IoTGuide. Inclusion on the list comes from a variety of factors, with an emphasis on Twitter visibility, frequency and focus on IoT (there are many extremely influential people who often tweet about IoT but don't focus on it).
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