A wristwatch, generally with a display, that interacts with the wearer and can communicate with a network wirelessly (the device may have a USB connection for charging and other functions).
SDN allows administrators to manage network services by abstracting lower level functionality, allowing network services to be specified without coupling these specifications to network interfaces.
Provided by the Mobile Network Operator, a SIM contains the International Mobile Subscriber Identity (IMSI) and the security parameters to authenticate access to the network.
A combination of swarm intelligence and robotics, these multi-robot systems consist of a large number of small robots, communicating locally, that are capable of collective behaviors similar to that of insects.
A single integrated circuit (IC) technology that contains all the necessary circuits and parts for a complete "system." A single microchip in a wearable device, for example, could contain an analog-to-digital converter, memory, logic control, I/O, etc.
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