14 listings. Within smart cities, individual commercial and industrial structures can be optimized using IoT. Topic includes facilities management, BMS, energy savings, and more.
GreenLight IoT
Edwardsville, IL. Working with the ZigBee wireless standard, GreenLight IoT offers wireless control system design, servicing and smart building commissioning.
· greenlightiot.com
Sunnyvale, CA. Offers sensor technology and a scalable network to real-time data collection and high-value applications for smart buildings.
· enlightedinc.com
Sunnyvale, CA. A leader in Light Sensory Network (LSN) technology, Sensity embeds sensing and networking technology within both retrofit and new LED luminaires under the NetSense brand. Acquired by Verizon in September, 2016.
· sensity.com
KNX Association
Brussels, Bel. A non-profit organization maintaining a worldwide standard for home and building control. KNX is approved as International Standard (ISO/IEC14543-3) and as ANSI/ASHRAE 135.
· knx.org
Boston, MA. Launched in 2014, Analytika extends Big Data analytics capabilities for the physical world to manufacturing process management, industrial IoT and building management.
· analytika.com
Switch Automation
Sydney, NSW. Provides a software layer that integrates a wide range of sensors, field controllers and edge devices, such as smart meters, building management systems and more.
· switchautomation.com
Intelligent Buildings
Charlotte, NC. Founded in 2004, Intelligent Buildings provides planning and implementation management of next generation strategy for new buildings, existing portfolio optimization and smart community projects.
· intelligentbuildings.com
EnOcean Alliance
Develops and promotes self-powered wireless monitoring and control systems for green and sustainable buildings by formalizing an interoperable wireless standard.
· enocean-alliance.org
SensorSuite Inc.
Toronto, ON. Offers a cloud-based digital building assistant that brings high-end building automation features to small and medium sized property managers. Users can save up to 30% on energy costs in buildings.
· sensorsuite.com
Vancouver Island , BC. Provide online news and community connections for change agents that are defining smart, intelligent, integrated, connected, green, and converged large buildings.
· automatedbuildings.com
Whole Building Design Guide
Offering Resource Pages, reductive summaries on particular topics, government and industry practitioners with one-stop access to up-to-date information on a wide range of building-related guidance, criteria and technology.
· wbdg.org
The National Institute of Building Sciences brings together representatives of government, the professions, industry, labor and consumer interests, and regulatory agencies to resolve problems in construction. NIBS is responsible for WBDG, COBie, buildingSMART, ProjNet and more.
· nibs.org
The Whole Building Design Guide has reference pages on COBie, a standard for building documentation.
· wbdg.org/resources/cobie.php
Project Haystack
An open source initiative developing tagging conventions and taxonomies for building equipment, building systems and related intelligent devices.
· project-haystack.org
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