26 listings. The application of IoT concepts such as soil sensors and animal tracking devices to agriculture. Also called Precision Farming.
aaggrrii Technology
Moncton, NB. Designs and manufactures sensors for use with harvesting, packaging, grading and handling facilities for fruits, vegetables and eggs, under the brands SmartSpud, CracklessEgg and ProduceQC. The devices reduce cracks, waste, and bruising rates.
· aaggrrii.com
Kibbutz Afikim, Isr. Having created first electronic milk meter in 1977, the company provides tools and sensors for dairy farming and management around the globe.
· afimilk.com
San Francisco, CA. A marketplace for the promising Ag and AgTech startups seeking to raise investment capital from accredited investors.
· agfunder.com
Arable Labs
Princeton, NJ. Offers a solar powered device that measures rainfall, crop water demand, water stress, and more. The device can connect using WiFi, Cellular or BlueTooth.
· arable.com
Braingrid Corporation
Toronto, ON. Offers the Sentroller-PA, a purpose built wireless sensor network for Precision Agriculture, plus a monitoring solution for the cannabis industry.
· braingrid.org
San Francisco, CA. Combining simple sensors with big data to optimize farm irrigation, CROPX increases crop yield and reduces water waste.
· cropx.com
San Luis Obispo, CA. Creating a free and open-source hardware plans, software, data, and documentation to enable everyone to build and operate a farming machine.
· farmbot.io
Ann Arbor, MI. Creates easy-to-use technology for row crop farmers to run more efficient and more profitable businesses.
· farmlogs.com
Ann Arbor, MI. Applies Big Data and mapping concepts to allow farmers to automatically know everything happening in their fields and react in real-time.
· farmlogs.com
Freight Farms
Boston, MA. Using a climate controlled shipping container farm, Freight Farms empowers anyone to grow food anywhere.
· freightfarms.com
gThrive, Inc.
Santa Clara, CA. Offers commercial growers a Field Monitoring System to reliably and easily monitor crops for water, fertilizer, and pest management, resulting in improved harvests and reduced operating costs
· gthrive.com
Dublin City, Ire. Offers a temperature and humidity sensor that analyses hay bales and other agricultural matter. The product enables early detection of temperature changes leading to spontaneous combustion of hay bales.
· haysaver.org
Internet of Food
An Internet Society Special Interest Group, IoF aims to lead the discussion regarding the development of the necessary technical infrastructural standards to propel food into the digital era.
· internet-of-food.org
Internet of Food and Farm 2020
Wageningen, Nld. Fostering an ecosystem of farmers, food industry, technology providers and research institutes, IoF2020 will demonstrate the added value of smart webs of connected objects. The project was launched on January 1st, 2017 and will run for four years.
· iof2020.eu
Moocall Sensors
Dublin, Ire. A wearable device for cows, Moocall measures activity levels and alerts end users via SMS text message when a calf is due to be born.
· moocall.com
Phytech Ltd.
Kibbutz Yad Mordechai, Isr. Provides crop management technology solutions via phytomonitoring technology based on plant sensors that enable growers to receive and share a constant, real-time data stream.
· phytech.com
Champaign, IL. By Oso Technologies, the PlantLink system consists of an Internet-connected base station and a wireless soil probe placed near the plant being monitored.
· myplantlink.com
Precision Dairy Farming
Annual conference in the use of technology and sensors to maximize animal performance, early disease detection in individual cows, monitoring herd-level health and more.
Precision Decisions
York, UK. Offers a comprehensive Precision Farming Services based on sound agronomic and practical experience.
· precisiondecisions.co.uk
Quantified Ag
Lincoln, NE. Offers non-invasive, biometric sensing ear tags utilizing Electronic Identification (EID) that works with existing RFID readers.
· quantifiedag.com
Trenton, ME. Manufactures professional grade meteorological equipment for consumer, enterprise, and industrial applications. Developed the 1st digital weather station in 1981.
· rainwise.com
realtime aquaculture
Enables underwater IoT by delivering realtime intelligence to help farmers make data driven decisions. · realtimeaquaculture.com
Seeds & Chips
Milan, Ita. Annual event bringing together food and digital technologies, under the Internet of Food concept.
· seedsandchips.com
Senseye, Ltd.
Southampton, UK. Pronounced like the Japanese word "Sensei," the company provides predictive analytics and a way for agricultural businesses to be able to easily use sensor and environmental data.
· senseye.io
Smart Farm Software
A site offering links to resources on Farm Management Software, Farming Drones, Computer Devices, Precision Farming, and more.
· smartfarmsoftware.com
Smart Island
Sicily, Ita. An agro-analytics company designing cloud based solutions linked to sensors and robotics.
· smartisland.it
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